Saturday, February 25, 2017

Do you know how to fish?

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. I'm so frustrated trying to teach people to fish who just want to play with their little worm all day.

If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, if you want to escape this rat race of life you better wake up and pay attention because this world meets nobody half way.

If your not willing to be present, put fourth your best effort and listen to people who know more than you be prepared to live your life as it is day to day paycheck to paycheck always wanting more, expecting more and being unhappy.

If you aren't willing to take risks, make mistakes, fail and then learn from those experiences you will not move forward in life.

If your not willing to do for yourself don't expect someone else to do it for you. I've learned this life is so much more than what you have, the car you drive, size of your bank account etc... its more about what you do for others, what you endure, what you learn and ultimately what you leave behind when your gone. I hope when my days are done people will say I did more and cared more about my fellow man than I did for myself.

I want to briefly say thank you to the people in my life who have shaped my morals, values, beliefs and strengthened my faith. Those who taught me the value of a hard days work, what it means to be trustworthy, loyalty, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Those who toughened me up, physically, mentally and emotionally. Those who believed in me, loved me and have forgiven me for my trespasses. I am the man I am today because of you and I will continue to live this life in that manner each and everyday the good lord see fit to bless me with another day.

I am and always will be my brothers keeper

Jeremy M. Edwards

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